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Restaurant Crumber: Pocket Table Crumber for Easy Use

Crumber is really an amazing invention when it comes to cleaning table. Especially, in a restaurant which wants to keep up with the reputation it has built over the years of servicing.

Crumber let them save faces, and overall it’s a best and hygienical experience for both the customer of the restaurant and the waiter that’s cleaning the tables.

Over the years crumber tool has been used quite a lot especially in the fine dining environment.

In this post, we are going to look at the use of restaurant crumber in a much greater detail.

What is a restaurant crumber?

If you’ve been to my blog for quite a while you may have already know what a restaurant crumber is. If not let me provide you a little definition of it:

“Restaurant crumber is a little tool (generally) that helps you to pick the crumbs from the table for the sake of cleaning the table after taking a meal.”

They are generally made up of steel and they usually come in silver and golden colors.

In the laymen terms, it’s just a scraper made up of metal, aluminum, or steel.

Crumber for house vs restaurant

Crumber has been the tool dedicated for restaurants. It let the waiters of the restaurant to clean the crumbs that are spread all along the table especially by younger kids.

For home use, you can use them as well.

But, that creates the environment quite formal in the house.

Crumbers are usually used by quality 5-star restaurants who want to show their fine dining skills and give their customers a better experience.

If you wish however, you can buy the crumber from your local or online store for crumbing your own dining tables.

Pocket crumber vs the traditional crumber?

Many people consider crumber as just the pocket carriers but, that’s not always true.

There are a lot of types of crumbers available in the market.

Vintage/antique crumbers are the ones that are not really pocket friendly.

Here’s an image of the antique crumber:

antique crumber

For latest crumber tools however, they are quite small and does the good job as well. They are pocket friendly too so the restaurant waiters can easily be able to carry them.

And make use of them when necessary.

Here’s an image of the modern looking pocket crumber:
modern crumber

There are now crumbers that are automated and electrical. They are not technically crumbers but, rather they are just vacuum cleaners helping you to clean crumbs from the table.

But, many vacuum cleaner manufacturers see an opportunity in what’s called a “crumber space” they started to change names and telling their customers about them and market vacuum cleaner as crumbers when they are actually not.

Here’s an image to a vacuum crumber:
vacuum crumber

Why restaurants should use crumbers?

Well, to show the customer they care about the hygiene. This is the main reason that every restaurant owner should focus on.

This is just a way or an opportunity for a restaurant owner to portray that they care about the customers health.

This way the customer will also feel that the environment is good and they can trust on the basis of how you clean the table every time they leave after the meal.

How to use the restaurant crumber?

If you don’t really know the steps it takes to use the crumber I’ve wrote a detailed guide for you which you can read here.

Generally, it’s very simple when your customer leaves the table you place the crumber tool on top of the table regardless if it has a table cloth on it or not and crumb your way up to the end covering the entire table.

The crumbs collected by the tool should be thrown in the dustbin or if there are a lot of crumbs you can also store them on your left/right hand depending on from which hand you’re crumbing from which needs to be thrown later after you’re done.

Also, using a crumber is an art so you should also know exactly when to crumb the tables and specifically for that I wrote the article which I’ve talked about in the start of this section which you might want to consider reading it for a better understanding.

For this I recommend using hand gloves so your other hand don’t get dirty.

Which material restaurant crumbers are made up of?

Usually, the material of the crumber is steel but, they are also aluminium, stainless steel and metal.

They are gold or silver plated and some of them have a clip so you can easily hang with your pocket just like a ball-point pen.

What is a crumb knife?

In the earliest days when crumber was just pioneered it was in the form of knife so some people remember them by the name of crumb knife when technically it’s a crumber.

It’s also known as crumb catcher to catch the wastage from the table after a meal especially in restaurants.


Here you have it. This is what a restaurant crumber gives to human kind. A convenience to clean the tables with greater efficiency and with minimal efforts. You can also carry them around with you anywhere without getting distracted because it’s very light in weight.


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